Affordable Housing Assistance Walnut Creek
1470 Maria Ln
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Class of Housing/Services: Affordable housing. Not free.
General Information:
The City of Walnut Creek creates affordable units by subsidizing projects that are 100% affordable and by requiring developers of market rate projects to include a percentage of affordable units within the project or pay a fee to help fund future affordable projects.
Housing is considered "affordable" when the occupant(s) pays no more than 30% of their total income on rent and utilities. If the occupant(s) owns their own home, then housing is "affordable" when the occupant pays no more than 35% of their total income on their mortgage payment, insurance, taxes, homeowner association fees and utilities. Federal resources are funneled to the state and local levels for use in the development of affordable housing units, or to assist income-eligible households in purchasing, rehabilitating or renting safe and decent housing.
Helpful Definitions For Affordable Housing Assistance Walnut Creek:
Drug And Alcohol Rehab programs are intended to treat alcohol and/or drug dependency. The cost of participating in one of these programs and the method of treatment range significantly. The database operated on this website only includes residential rehab programs (not outpatient programs). We also provide Access to Recovery (ATR) Grant programs for substance abuse treatment.
How To Volunteer at Affordable Housing Assistance Walnut Creek:
Be a volunteer. Call Affordable Housing Assistance Walnut Creek at 925-932-8200 for current volunteer work opportunities.
As A General Note About Listings: does our best to provide listings that are free of cost. Many of the homeless shelters and services are free of charge. Some do charge small fees. We always urge the users of our website to visit the websites of the providers listed, OR give them a phone call to find out complete details.
In furtherance; Halfway Houses, Transitional Housing, and Substance Abuse Treatment Centers for the most part charge a fee. Most of the substance abuse resources we provide are low cost, Medicaid or sliding scale fee. We provide as much information as possible on the website of these locations.
Rooming and Boarding Houses do charge fees. We list them where we find them. They are a nice low cost option for housing.
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