The Stewart Community Home The Stewart Community Home

The Stewart Community Home

1125 15th St.
Columbus, GA 31901

706-327-2707 Visit Website Go to Facebook
Class of Housing/Services: Transitional housing, permanent housing.

General Information:
Transitional Housing Whenever possible, our ultimate goal is to get people off the streets, get them “back on their feet” and move them on to permanent, independent and safe housing. Our transitional program starts with a complete assessment of each person’s strengths and needs in the pursuit of this goal. Once a treatment plan is agreed upon, our staff will assist residents in pursuing their goals and aspirations. Generally speaking, our residents stay in the transitional program anywhere from 6 months to 2-3 years, depending on their level of need. Once they have transitioned out into the community, our case managers follow up with them on an ‘as needed’ basis for at least another year. Permanent Housing Sometimes our residents are simply not capable of moving out on their own. For one reason or another they are unable to remain in an independent living situation but do not yet meet the criteria for a nursing home. These residents are allowed to stay with us as long as they need to. At present we have 14 residents who are considered ‘permanent’. They have lived at the Stewart Community Home for anywhere from 5-30 years. Each one of them is unique, as are their needs.   The Stewart Community Home provides shelter for the chronically mentally ill, physically disabled and elderly who are homeless. Other services include: - Meals - Clothing - Medical stabilization services - Life skills training - Social skills education The house has the capacity to house up to 72 residents. No one is refused because of inability to pay. The Stewart Community Home, INC. is designed to provide safe permanent and transitional housing for adults not capable of completely caring for themselves due to mental illness, as well as, physical or intellectual disabilities. SCH provides a fully staffed kitchen which serves three meals per day and three snacks per day, 7 days a week. SCH also provides a medical stabilization program, life skills training by qualified staff to increase deficits in basic living skills, case management to assess resident needs and link them to services, transportation to all appointments, and a work program for residents to increase their work related skills and assist them in resume writing and job search. Our programs are designed to improve skills that mental illness or physical deficiencies may have affected, so that when a resident transitions out of our program they will be successful and will not return to homelessness. Each resident is carefully assessed in order to identify their particular needs and increase their potential for success.


Helpful Definitions For The Stewart Community Home:
Transitional housing is affordable supportive housing designed to provide housing and appropriate support services to persons who are homeless or who are close to homelessness. The transition is to help them be more self sufficient to move towards independent living on their own. Transitional housing locations are oftentimes called Halfway Houses. The naming of the two (Halfway House OR Transitional House) is oftentimes interchangeable.

Many Transitional Housing programs are subsidized and are income based. Income based transitional housing generally charges 30% of your income for rent when you do have income. Contact the transitional housing facility to see if this applies.

Services provided at transitional housing facilities varies from substance abuse treatment, to psychological assistance, job training, domestic violence assistance, etc. The assistance provided varies, but it is generally affordable and low cost housing. Read the descriptions of each of the transitional living locations for more detailed information. Transitional housing facilities also may or may not assist with alcohol and/or drug substance abuse treatment.

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