Hendersonville Rescue Mission - Recovery Program Hendersonville Rescue Mission - Recovery Program

Hendersonville Rescue Mission - Recovery Program

639 Maple St.
Hendersonville, NC 28792

828-697-1354 Visit Website
Class of Housing/Services: residential substance abuse program.

General Information:
The Recovery Program is a residential program serving those struggling with substance abuse. The program starts with a 70 day restriction to the Mission with off campus travels only being allowed with staff supervision. The next 5 1/2 months consist of off site employment with a daily curfew of 7:00 PM. Participants are required to attend Alcoholics Victorious 12 step classes each morning at 7:00 AM. (Monday-Friday) For more information contact Hendersonville Rescue Mission or visit the Hendersonville Rescue Mission website.   One out of every two men that come to HRM seeking help are also struggling with drug and/or alcohol addiction. Because of that, we offer our 8-month Turning Point program in an effort to break the addiction and set participants on the road to success. For the first ten weeks of the program, clients receive counseling and spiritual guidance but are not permitted to leave the premises without an escort. From that point, we ease them into looking for work and introduce our money management program, and allow more individual time with accountability and approved visitors. As with the six month program, our goal is to move clients toward healthy, independent, productive lives with a spiritual base to guide their way. **All those participating in any of our programs must be declared mentally stable and taking any prescribed medications in order to say at the Mission. A mental health professional from Blue Ridge Community Health Services visits clients every week.

Website: http://www.hendersonvillerescuemission.com/

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